Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Past, Present and Future

Where did it go? Time goes by too fast.
Looking back, my days used to be spent working and I did not have much time for my family. My wife always said ‘You need to stop working like that. Spend more time with your children.’
She was right but I had my responsibilities. I had to provide for the family.
Now that I have all the time in the world, I do not have my family near me. My wife died ten years ago and my daughters got married.
They have their own families and live far from me. That is why they call me sometimes. They cannot visit me everyday.
Anyway, I am looking forward to next Saturday. My grandchildren are coming. I miss them.
I have many stories to tell them. They love fairytales.
I spoke to them on the phone yesterday. They sounded happy.
They sent me a postcard, a coloured one. With a rainbow, a house, two trees, me and Wrinkles. This is the name of my dog.
My grandchildren love Wrinkles, I can see them playing in the garden, destroying the flowers. I do not mind as long as they feel happy and do not hurt themselves.
Wrinkles is not young but he does not complain. He likes running around…
Today I am turning 76 and I have eternity to be with them.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Haiku poems

Certain summer nights
Shared with the silence
Broken by the wind.

Holding hands alone
Walking through the green forest,
Enjoying freedom...

Blistering light blinds
As the sun rises again
The night disappears.

Walking the fence line
Playing life's destiny.
This is our life.

Silence cased by calls
Calls from nobody to me,
Silent, cold whispers...

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Return to paradise

This is the short story I chose.
it's a very cute story, you all should read it.
It tells a story of a couple that thought that their marriage was finishing, however a new meeting shows that it's not over.